
Head Above Water...

What allows you to keep your head above water? On any given day what keeps you in the game, going that next step, and around what is important in your life? It seems that it is something different for everyone. However, I would like to suggest one similarity. We all do some part of our days because... well... what if we didn't do "x"? Or what if "y" went unaccomplished? ...And we look at school as a standard, something that has to get done... or what? I want to know what our world would be like if we lived out our days because we wanted to, because we desired to impact and love others, and because our strength left absent for too long would cause enormous voids in the lives of people around us.

Why to do you get up in the morning? Why would you want to get up in the morning? How do you plan on forcing yourself to live your life past this week?

What if you could desire your way through life and what if it takes a step on your part to make that happen? What would that step be?


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