
Almost One Year...

We are approaching our year anniversary of Breakfast Club. It has been a roller coaster year full of more surprise, disappointment, and joy than I ever thought possible. People have come and gone-- some have left some have moved-- some have showed up in big ways. Our format has changed, the way we lead each other is always in flux, and I always look forward to who will bring the next "why didn't I think of that?!" idea. It is has also been a year of risk.

I had lunch with Jason today and laid my life out. "I am currently questioning everything," said I. But Jason expanded and saw something that I didn't. "Maybe you're in the middle of risk," he said. "...maybe there is so much potential everywhere but none of it is currently realized." Maybe there is stress in risk... maybe there is all this stuff on the "table" or "line" or (insert object of choice) but it is just sitting there on the table. Then I asked myself, how does all that potential get from the table/line/(object of choice) to beyond just possible? How does it become real? How does possibility expand to reality? How does potential drive and shape and mold the future? How do dreams I have change other people's lives tomorrow?

There are three full months until May. In "breakfast club years" that is along time... in "school years" it is not so long. However, my question is two fold. First, what will happen between now and our year anniversary? How will you run after your heart and find God? When people look at your contribution to the group what will come to their minds... maybe it won't be "good" or "bad" thoughts. Maybe they already think of you for some special reason? What is it? How often do you remind yourself of that? How often do you pray that God would affirm that?

My second question: When May arrives and we think back on the year, what is the first thing that might pop up in your mind? An engagement? A new car? A crashed computer? Thoughts of low cash flow? Standing at May 1 and looking into the past year of our group how will you have grown? How have you changed? What will you view as strong or lazy? Who will you praise for changing you life and who hurt you beyond words? Who/what gave you the inspiration to keep living and what sucked the life out of you faster than you can say... fart. (It was the best word I could think of... j/k!)

Thoughts? Feel free to respond with comments...